Upcoming Events


展示:OUR LIVES NOW, OUR LIVES TOMORROW -今を切り取り、未来を描く、子どもたちのアート作品展
日時:2024年4月16日(火)-22日(月) 10:00-18:00
場所:JR横浜タワーアトリウム3F イベントスペース


日時:2024年4月20日(土)-21日(日)午前の部 10:00-11:30 午後の部 13:00-14:30
場所:JR横浜タワーアトリウム4F イベントスペース
料金:お一人 3,000円

主催:特定非営利活動法人EduArt, 共催:横浜トリエンナーレ組織委員会事務局、協力:JR東日本横浜支社、Yokohama Station City

The Day of the Dead Pumpkin Painting

10/23 10:00


The Art of Doodling with Eitoku Sugimori

9/18 10:00


Up-cycle Aquatic Animals

7/16 9:30

Learn about climate change that is causing abnormal growth in the jellyfish population and the impact of plastic waste on the ecosystem below water through up-cycle art!

Reservation https://eduart-aquatic-animals.peatix.com/


ご予約 https://eduart-aquatic-animals.peatix.com/


The Art of Zen Gardens

6/18 10:00

"Karesansui" is a Japanese Zen garden style designed to reflect and imitate nature. We will be creating our own Karesansui in dioramas forms in this workshop!

Reservation: https://eduart-zengardens.peatix.com/


ご予約: https://eduart-zengardens.peatix.com/


Pressed Flower Collage

5/28 10:00

In this workshop, we will be making collaged images using pressed flowers! Discover beauty created by nature in the delicate and precious pressed flowers.



Nest Making & Easter Egg Hunt

4/17 10:00

Our LANDART workshop series is created in collaboration with Shitsurai Artist, Risa Kazama. Shitsurai is a Japanese art of seasonal decorations - a way of connecting with nature and time. Celebrate the arrival of spring by creating bird nests with materials found in nature, followed by an Easter egg hunt!



The Art & Story of Sandpainting

4/23 10:00

Sandpaintings have a long-established cultural history in numerous social groupings around the globe. Learn about the storytelling of sandpainting traditions and experiment with the sandpainting techniques!



Ohanami Nature Bentos

3/29 10:00

EduArt’s LANDART workshop series is created in collaboration with Shitsurai Artist, Risa Kazama. Shitsurai is a Japanese art of seasonal decorations - a way of connecting with nature and time. Come Hanami with us and create “Ohanami Bentos” with materials found in nature and enjoy an outdoor tea ceremony!



The Art & Science of Pointillism

3/26 10:00

In this workshop, discover the art and science behind pointillism. Learn the history behind why and how Pointillism emerged from Impressionism and experiment with pointillism techniques by using color theory and Divisionism!





Pecha Kucha Night Yokohama

3/6 18:00

Come see EduArt’s Mioko Mochizuki at Pecha Kucha Night Yokohama!

EduArtの代表、望月実音子がPecha Kucha Night Yokohamaに登壇します!